Smolder (slowly increase the love for learning) Classroom : Ages 4-7

Kindle (your passions) Classroom: Ages 8-11

Ignite (career possibilities) Classroom: Ages 12-15

Explode (own guided journey) Classroom: Ages 16-18 (coming soon)

Our learning model emphasizes project based learning, Socratic discussions, and student focused learning . At Apogee Utah, students participate in a holistic learning environment, one in which their mind, body, and spirit are cultivated and challenged. Students learn to know, learn to do, and learn to be through the key components of our curriculum model.

Key Beliefs

Below are some of our key beliefs about learning that shape our approach.

Children form an understanding of themselves and their place in the world through their interactions with others . There is a strong focus on social collaboration, and working in groups. where each child is an equal participant where their thoughts and questions are valued. The adult is not the giver of knowledge. Children search out knowledge through their own investigations.

Children are capable of constructing their own learning. Children are driven by their own learning.

Children are communicators. Communication is a process, a way of discovering things, asking questions, using language as play- playing with sounds and rhythm and rhyme; delighting in the process of communicating.

Environment inspires children. Open spaces, free from clutter, where every material is considered for its purpose, every corner is ever evolving to encourage children to delve deeper into their interests. The space encourages collaboration, communication and exploration. The space respects children as capable by providing them with authentic materials and tools. The space is cared for by the children and adults

The adult is a mentor and a guide. Our role is to observe children, listen to their questions and voice. We need to find what interests them, and then provide them with the opportunities and tools to explore these interests further.

Children are natural investigators. They are encouraged to use language to investigate and explore and reflect on their experiences. They are listened to with respect, believing that their questions and observations are an opportunity to learn and search together. Rather then the child asking questions and the adult offering the answers, the search is undertaken together.